
Electricity, … what is it?

This must sound like silly a question to most of you, but do we really know what it is?
Wiki says:
Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and motion of matter that has a property of electric charge”.
But that only shifts the question to “what is electric charge?”, to which Wiki answers:
Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field”.
And again the question is only shifted to “What is an electromagnetic field?”. Wiki answers:
An electromagnetic field is a magnetic field produced by moving electrically charged objects”.

And we are back at question number 2, meaning that we do not really know what it is.

When I read about Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe project, I was immediately captivated and started researching his work. I have done so for many years now and found that Tesla did have a much better understanding of what electricity is than we have today. And because of this, many of his experiments have never been replicated.
Tesla figured out a clean and renewable source of electricity and how to distribute this globally without wires, an invention that the world needs more than ever.

On this site and through Youtube video’s, I will explain this discovery in every detail.
And I invite all of you to join and learn about it and ask questions whenever something is unclear.
We must not shelve this knowledge for another century!

We need electricity.
We don’t want future generations to pay the price.
We want to be part of the solution!

If you find anything of value here, please do consider a donation. Every dollar helps!

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